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Made with genuine Red Jasper stones these bracelets are believed to boost physical energy and vitality.


The deep red color of the stones is known to promote grounding and stability, making it an ideal accessory for daily wear.


This bracelet is also perfect for those seeking to enhance their endurance and stamina. Red Jasper is a powerful stone with the ability to stimulate and energize the body, making it a must-have for anyone looking to increase their physical vitality.


Whether you're an athlete, a busy parent, or simply in need of an energy boost, this Red Jasper stone bracelet can help you stay grounded and energized throughout the day.

Red Jasper Stone Bracelet - Boosts physical energy and vitality

₹600.00 Regular Price
₹540.00Sale Price


    • Grounding and Stability: The root chakra, located at the base of the spine, governs our sense of security, stability, and connection to the physical world. Red jasper's grounding energy helps anchor us to the earth, promoting a sense of stability and safety.

    • Vitality and Energy: It's believed that red jasper can boost physical energy and vitality, making it a great companion during times of fatigue or low motivation.

    • Emotional Stability: Red jasper is thought to provide emotional stability and strength, helping individuals cope with stress and adversity.

    • Protection: Some believe red jasper has protective properties, shielding the wearer from negative energies and promoting a sense of safety.

    • Passion and Motivation: Red jasper is associated with passion and motivation, encouraging individuals to pursue their goals with determination and enthusiasm.

    • Creativity Enhancement: Wearing red jasper bracelets may stimulate creativity and inspire new ideas, making it a favorite among artists and creatives.

    • Physical Healing: In alternative healing practices, red jasper is believed to support physical health, particularly related to the circulatory and digestive systems.

    • Before adorning the bracelet, establish a focused intention, reflecting on the specific aspects of your life you aim to enhance or balance.
    • Wear the crystal bracelet with mindfulness and a positive demeanor.
    • As crystals have the capacity to absorb energies, it's recommended to regularly cleanse and charge them.
    • To cleanse, expose the crystals to running water or pass them through the smoke of incense sticks or camphor.
    • For charging, place the crystals in sunlight or moonlight. Alternatively, consider using crystal charging plates.
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