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Frequently Asked Questions

Everything you need to know

Need assistance? The team at Value Heal has compiled answers to some of the most frequently asked questions below. If you can’t find the answer you're looking for or need further help, feel free to reach out anytime.

Healing Stones

1. What are crystal healing products?

Crystal healing products are items that incorporate crystals and gemstones believed to have various metaphysical properties. These products are designed to promote physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being through the alleged energy and vibrations of the crystals.

2. How do crystal healing products work?

Crystal healing is based on the idea that crystals emit energy that can interact with the body's energy fields, promoting balance and healing. Each crystal is believed to have unique properties that can positively influence different aspects of one's life, such as love, clarity, and relaxation.

3. Are there scientific studies supporting the effectiveness of crystal healing?

While people who have used healing crystal products have reported positive experiences with crystal healing, it's essential to note that scientific evidence supporting its effectiveness is limited. The benefits are often attributed to a placebo effect. Many practitioners believe in the holistic approach to wellness that crystal healing offers when combined with a positive mindset.

4. How do I choose the right crystal for me?

Choosing a crystal is a personal and intuitive process. Research the properties of different crystals and trust your instincts. Some people are drawn to certain colors or shapes, which can be an indication of the crystal's potential benefits for them. It's essential to choose a crystal that resonates with you on a personal level.

5. How should I cleanse and charge my crystals?

Crystals are believed to absorb and hold energy, so it's recommended to cleanse them regularly. Methods include rinsing under running water, placing them in sunlight or moonlight, using saltwater, or smudging with sage. To charge your crystals, you can leave them in a place with positive energy, such as near other crystals like Selenite charging plates or in a bowl of dried herbs.

6. Can I combine multiple crystals for enhanced benefits?

Yes, many people combine crystals to amplify or balance their energies. Creating a crystal grid, wearing multiple crystals as jewelry, or placing them strategically in your living space are common ways to combine their energies. Experiment and see what combinations resonate with you.

7. How long does it take to experience the benefits of crystal healing?

The effects of crystal healing can vary from person to person. Some people report immediate changes, while others may notice subtle shifts over time. Consistency in using and connecting with your crystals can enhance their potential benefits.

8. Can anyone use crystal healing products?

Crystal healing is generally considered safe for most people. However, individuals with certain medical conditions should consult with a healthcare professional before using crystal healing products. Crystals are not a substitute for medical treatment, and it's essential to maintain a holistic approach to well-being.

9. How do I care for my crystal jewelry or products?

To keep your crystal products in good condition, avoid exposing them to harsh chemicals, extreme temperatures, or prolonged sunlight. Cleanse them regularly using appropriate methods and handle them with care to prevent scratches or damage.

10. Can I request gift packing for any product?
Yes, all products can be gift-packed. During the checkout process, look for the option to add gift packing to your order. You can also include a personalized message by sending an email to us at

Polished Stones

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